1 - Implementations
- Implemented the possibility of selecting predefined flow models has been implemented, facilitating their creation and edition.
- Implemented the help menu with visualization of the Fortics knowledge base (tutorials, guides, videos and other support materials) on the platform.
- Implemented in the flow menu, the possibility to import / export flowcharts;
2 - Improvements
- Added validation feature when assembling / editing flow, allowing to identify if its configuration has valid output.
- Added the feature to display the name of the integrations and Root in the “Go To” component;
3 - Integrations
- Added the integration of Duobox on the SZ.chat platform with the following features:
Consult customer;
Consult bills of exchange;
Consult unlock;
Central user data;
Unlock by trust;
Send e-mail payment slip;
Send editable line;
Send billet SMS.
4 - Corrections
- Fixed bugs and made adjustments related to the performance of the SZ.chat platform;