1 - Improvements

  • 2837 - Implemented read receipt;

2 - Corrections

  • 6476 - Fixed duplication of messages by the Webchat channel;
  • 6887 - Fixed default media upload limit to 60MB;
  • 7037 - Fixed problem in configuring the message model in the flow;
  • 6809 - Fixed change of variable of the integration with RD Station;
  • 6878 - Fixed problem with flow return through API channels;
  • 7098 - Fixed failure in capturing Google Analytics events;
  • 5856 - Fixed problem to login via Webchat channel;
  • 7383 - Fixed loop in the request when listing contacts on the agent screen;
  • 6228 - Fixed problem when saving contacts from the Webchat channel;
  • 6798 - Fixed difficulty configuring additional mandatory fields;