1 - Implementations


  • Implemented the "Beta" version of BSP (Business Solution Provider) 360Dialog.

  • Implemented the possibility to register directly on the HSM platform of BSP 360Dialog. When you register the HSM of this BSP on your SZ.chat platform, it will be submitted to Facebook and your request can be followed up in the "status" column. If it is rejected, it is possible to obtain feedback in the "reason for rejection" column.

2 - Improvements

  • Added the possibility to count the session time in the BSP on the agent screen. It is possible to view the timer on the right side of the agent screen, and when it reaches 24 hours it will not be possible to forward new messages, only HSM. The timer will only restart counting when the customer responds to the forwarded HSM.


3 - Corrections  


  • Fixed bugs and made adjustments related to the performance of the SZ.chat platform;